Mid Week Reset
Energise, uplift and find your inner calm. WEEKLY BOOKING OPTION, Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am
Class Description
BEGINNERS / INTERMEDIATE. This class is a regular mid-week reset and a chance to connect in with your own sense of inner calm. We'll practice gentle, yet uplifting yoga poses, with a focus on finding your peaceful centre, while building strength and flexibility in body and mind. Suitable for complete beginners, but intermediate level yogis will also find this an interesting class, including a blend of familiar and more unusual yoga poses, coming from the Rajadhiraja tradition. This is the full-price weekly payment option at £10 per class. Payment is online or pay in person on the day. For a discounted rate, book ahead for a whole half term with my block payment option. We break for Easter after our class on the 9th April and will be back again on the 30th of April. If you'd like to try before you buy, do contact me to arrange a free trial session to see if this is for you.

Upcoming Sessions
Shrewsbury Buddhist Centre